
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Boyfriend Girlfriend Poem Loneliness

Boyfriend Girlfriend Poem Loneliness

Does the fear of loneliness cause me to be with a person who hurts me
Does the fear of loneliness cause me to care for a person who only deceives me
Does this phobia cause me to dwell in the past, making it so hard to move on
Does this phobia cause me to depend on someone,
Only to find out that that someone is independent
In reality, now I can't depend on anyone else, neither myself
In my state of loneliness, everyone else is paired
Am I the only one who suffers by themselves?
So should I be content with one who doesn't make me happy
Should I be content with another who creates sadness?
For if am alone, there is the possibility of emptiness in my heart
If I am alone, I see the impossibility of ever smiling
I am afraid of being alone
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No more yesterdays when all I did was
stand and cry
No more yesterdays
Not even caring to live or die

But then you came into my life
And you made me see
That the world around us
Isn't such a bad place to be.

No more yesterdays
When the day was just another day.
No more yesterdays
Hating everything
In every way

Because you took my by the hand
And you made me understand
That life is now worth living
And now, Im a happy girl.

No more yesterdays when it seemed
That the world was dead
No more yesterdays
When my heart only bleed.

Because now your all around me
And my whole world is you
Now there's no more yesterdays
Because now, I've got you.
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I need you

I need you

I need you,
I need you because I love you,
I love you because I care about you,
I care about you because I miss you,
I miss you because you break it with us,
You break it with us for another chick,
For another chick which I was better,
I was better because I treated you better,
I treated you better because I care about you,
I care about you because I love you,
I love you because I need you,
I need you because I miss you.
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You chose weed over me

You chose weed over me

I'm getting tired of you
I don't wanna laugh.
I just wanna cry all over again.
You messed me up when you cheated.
You chose weed over me.
I can't forgive you.
My heart needs time to heal.
I don't need you or your weed.
I can't love you anymore.
You need to let go of me.
You don't need me any way
you have your weed to love.
I was never your girl, you cheated.
Now I wanna laugh at you.
I wanna dry those tears all over again
You made my life better by leaving.
Go love the weed.
I have a new man to love me.
Who won't chose weed over me.
Now me and my man are going
to scream goodbye.
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I love you so much

I love you so much
I love you with all of my heart
I will never get over the feeling that I have so strongly for you
I just keep thinking about how if I would ever lose you how I would spend the rest of my life trying to get you back
And thinking about how my life will never be complete with out you in it
Marc you are my world
You are my strength
You are the reason that I get up ever morning
You are the reason that I want to live
You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me
I just keep thinking of the mistakes that I have made in our relationship
And how I would go back to take them all away
I know that we will have our little fights and arguments
Every argument that we have kills me inside
But all that I can think of is'
In the end will we remain together?
And I know that you will be there for me when I need you the most
You sit there and say that I do not love you
But you got it all wrong
I love you more and more each day
I love you more and more with every breath that I take and with every smile that I make
Everyday I think of how I want to spend the rest of my life with you
I sit here everyday just waiting to hear your voice and waiting to hear your laugh
I know that my family doesn't really like you
But there is nothing that I can do
Just because of that I just want you to know that I don't love you any less
Babe I just want you to know that I love you and will forever more
Nothing that anyone can say will ever make that change
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Those blue eyes pierce my heart.

Those blue eyes pierce my heart.
Over, and over again.
You kiss me in my dreams, but there is no feeling
Just pain.
Pain in my soul.
Pain smeared on my lips.
Pain allover your skin,
Pain when I breathe and in my writing.
Because you were the one person I wanted to be with.
I hope she treats you like a king, the way I did.
Any girl you choose to love, will only see you taste of me.
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So there are certain songs I can't listen to,
Because they tend to remind me of you.
I can't walk anywhere near your house,
Because I might see you around.
I try, to forget your lies.
When you decided to leave, you pulled apart my life.
And I found out my heart was sewn to yours.
When you pulled away, from your arms I was torn.
Now some other girl can call the chest where I rested my head home.
And she can tell her friends she is yours.
But when we meet again we will nullify each other's feelings.
And devoid past memories of ever loving at all.
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I will come 2 you

I will come 2 you

When you have know light to guide you
and no one to walk beside you
I will come to you
when the night is dark and stormy
you won't have to search for me
when you don't know how or why
but you have lost you way
have now fear when your dreams are falling
I will hear your spirit calling
and I swear I will be there
see even if we can not be together now and forever
and I swear that I will be there
we all need somebody we can turn to
someone who will always understand
so even if your soul is dieing
and you need the strength to keep trying
I'll reach out and take your hand
for I will come to you
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Love of My Life

Love of My Life

Like the stars in the sky,
I am calling to you.

From the heavens above,
I am looking for you.

In the depths of my soul,
I will live and breathe for you.

Sadness dwells inside you;
You have nothing to fear,

for I am next to you.
I can feel your sadness;

Let me be sad for you,
so you will feel love once again.

Worry not about life,
let me worry for you.

You should always love life,
for it is a part of you.

I'll be there when you fall,
to catch you and say I Love You..
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